Autocalculate area dislplays the average of the numbers in the selected range.
Autocalculate area displays the number on nonblank cells in the selected range
Autocalculate area displays the number of cells containing numbers in the selected range
Autocalculate area displays the lowest value in the selected range
Autocalculate area displays the highest value in the selected range
Autocalculate area displays the sum of the numbers in the selected range
Selects the cell on worksheet window to the the right and moves the worksheet window accordingly
Selects the cell on worksheet window to the left and moves the worksheet window accordingly
Selects the adjacent cell in the direction of the arrow on the key
Selects the border cell of the worksheet in combination with the arrow keys and moves the worksheet window accordingly
To cancel an entire entry before entering it into the cell, press the _____ key.
The ________ is a blinking vertical line that indicates where the next typed character will appear.
You _____ a worksheet to emphasize certain entries and make the worksheet earsier to read and understand.
Which of the following is the Ribbon path to the Cell Syles button?
Which of the following keys is an alternative to double-clicking the cell to edit it?
Excel remembers the last_______ actions you have completed.
You should press the SPACEBAR to clear a cell.
Which of the following keys moves the inserion point to the end of data in a cell?
Which effect does the Comma Style format have on the selected cells?
With Excel in Edit mode, you can edit cell content directly in the cell.
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