Review Game Zone
Match it!
Match it! Select the correct answer from the pull down...Good luck!
How is man’s vision clouded?
(c) selfish people for their personal interests
(d) all of the above
a) by hate and narrow thinking
(a) James Kirkup
a) All people are equal
(d) all
(c) not to pay attention to the words of hate by selfish people
(a) uniforms
A single body breathes beneath all ………..
(c) selfish people for their personal interests
(d) all of the above
a) by hate and narrow thinking
(a) James Kirkup
a) All people are equal
(d) all
(c) not to pay attention to the words of hate by selfish people
(a) uniforms
What things are common in all the people?
(c) selfish people for their personal interests
(d) all of the above
a) by hate and narrow thinking
(a) James Kirkup
a) All people are equal
(d) all
(c) not to pay attention to the words of hate by selfish people
(a) uniforms
Who instigates the ordinary people to hate?
(c) selfish people for their personal interests
(d) all of the above
a) by hate and narrow thinking
(a) James Kirkup
a) All people are equal
(d) all
(c) not to pay attention to the words of hate by selfish people
(a) uniforms
What does the poet ask the people to keep in mind in the last stanza?
(c) selfish people for their personal interests
(d) all of the above
a) by hate and narrow thinking
(a) James Kirkup
a) All people are equal
(d) all
(c) not to pay attention to the words of hate by selfish people
(a) uniforms
Who is the poet of the poem ‘No Men Are Foreign’?
(c) selfish people for their personal interests
(d) all of the above
a) by hate and narrow thinking
(a) James Kirkup
a) All people are equal
(d) all
(c) not to pay attention to the words of hate by selfish people
(a) uniforms
What are all people aware of?
(c) selfish people for their personal interests
(d) all of the above
a) by hate and narrow thinking
(a) James Kirkup
a) All people are equal
(d) all
(c) not to pay attention to the words of hate by selfish people
(a) uniforms
What is this poem emphasising?
(c) selfish people for their personal interests
(d) all of the above
a) by hate and narrow thinking
(a) James Kirkup
a) All people are equal
(d) all
(c) not to pay attention to the words of hate by selfish people
(a) uniforms
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