Review Game Zone
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The Kansas-Nebraske Act said both states could decide slavery by popular sovereignty. Why did this anger the North?
proved slaves were property and every state should be allowed to own property
Jefferson Davis
they believed he was an abolitionist
Fort Sumter
South Carolina
he wasn't a citizen, but property, therefore it wasn't legal for him to sue.
violent fight after people moved in to Kansas to vote for slavery
they were north of the 36 30N Latitude line and should be free states
Where was the first Battle of the Civil war?
proved slaves were property and every state should be allowed to own property
Jefferson Davis
they believed he was an abolitionist
Fort Sumter
South Carolina
he wasn't a citizen, but property, therefore it wasn't legal for him to sue.
violent fight after people moved in to Kansas to vote for slavery
they were north of the 36 30N Latitude line and should be free states
Dred Scott filed a lawsuit to sue for his freedom. Why did Supreme Court decide against him?
proved slaves were property and every state should be allowed to own property
Jefferson Davis
they believed he was an abolitionist
Fort Sumter
South Carolina
he wasn't a citizen, but property, therefore it wasn't legal for him to sue.
violent fight after people moved in to Kansas to vote for slavery
they were north of the 36 30N Latitude line and should be free states
What was Bleeding Kansas?
proved slaves were property and every state should be allowed to own property
Jefferson Davis
they believed he was an abolitionist
Fort Sumter
South Carolina
he wasn't a citizen, but property, therefore it wasn't legal for him to sue.
violent fight after people moved in to Kansas to vote for slavery
they were north of the 36 30N Latitude line and should be free states
Why was the south mad about Lincoln becoming President
proved slaves were property and every state should be allowed to own property
Jefferson Davis
they believed he was an abolitionist
Fort Sumter
South Carolina
he wasn't a citizen, but property, therefore it wasn't legal for him to sue.
violent fight after people moved in to Kansas to vote for slavery
they were north of the 36 30N Latitude line and should be free states
Why were Southerners happy about the Dred Scott vs Sanford decision?
proved slaves were property and every state should be allowed to own property
Jefferson Davis
they believed he was an abolitionist
Fort Sumter
South Carolina
he wasn't a citizen, but property, therefore it wasn't legal for him to sue.
violent fight after people moved in to Kansas to vote for slavery
they were north of the 36 30N Latitude line and should be free states
Which state was the first to secede fron the Union?
proved slaves were property and every state should be allowed to own property
Jefferson Davis
they believed he was an abolitionist
Fort Sumter
South Carolina
he wasn't a citizen, but property, therefore it wasn't legal for him to sue.
violent fight after people moved in to Kansas to vote for slavery
they were north of the 36 30N Latitude line and should be free states
Who was the President of the Confederacy?
proved slaves were property and every state should be allowed to own property
Jefferson Davis
they believed he was an abolitionist
Fort Sumter
South Carolina
he wasn't a citizen, but property, therefore it wasn't legal for him to sue.
violent fight after people moved in to Kansas to vote for slavery
they were north of the 36 30N Latitude line and should be free states
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