Review Game Zone
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Match it! Select the correct answer from the pull down...Good luck!
Which of the following has been known to create dramatic climatic changes on Earth causing mass extinction?
Very explosive volcanic activity can cause landmasses to move.
These catastrophic events caused rapid climate changes
Rapid climatic changes
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All of the answer choices
All of the answer choices
Different kinds of natural factors caused major changes in the environment.
Because most organisms around the world including many of the dinosaurs during the Cretaceous period not directly impacted by the Chicxulum asteroid, which of the following best explains why approximately 70% of all species disappeared from the foss
Very explosive volcanic activity can cause landmasses to move.
These catastrophic events caused rapid climate changes
Rapid climatic changes
All of the answer choices
All of the answer choices
All of the answer choices
Different kinds of natural factors caused major changes in the environment.
Which of the following is NOT an impact volcanic activities can have on the conditions on Earth and the diversity of its life forms?
Very explosive volcanic activity can cause landmasses to move.
These catastrophic events caused rapid climate changes
Rapid climatic changes
All of the answer choices
All of the answer choices
All of the answer choices
Different kinds of natural factors caused major changes in the environment.
Catastrophic events including volcanic activities and the impact of an asteroid/comet have affected the conditions on Earth and the diversity of its life forms. Which of the following best explains how these catastrophic events affected conditions on
Very explosive volcanic activity can cause landmasses to move.
These catastrophic events caused rapid climate changes
Rapid climatic changes
All of the answer choices
All of the answer choices
All of the answer choices
Different kinds of natural factors caused major changes in the environment.
A species is __________ if no members of that species are living.
Very explosive volcanic activity can cause landmasses to move.
These catastrophic events caused rapid climate changes
Rapid climatic changes
All of the answer choices
All of the answer choices
All of the answer choices
Different kinds of natural factors caused major changes in the environment.
Which of the following can be a result of volcanic activity?
Very explosive volcanic activity can cause landmasses to move.
These catastrophic events caused rapid climate changes
Rapid climatic changes
All of the answer choices
All of the answer choices
All of the answer choices
Different kinds of natural factors caused major changes in the environment.
Which of the following is known to be a result of a large impact event on Earth?
Very explosive volcanic activity can cause landmasses to move.
These catastrophic events caused rapid climate changes
Rapid climatic changes
All of the answer choices
All of the answer choices
All of the answer choices
Different kinds of natural factors caused major changes in the environment.
The graph below represents several mass extinctions during the Phanerozoic Eon. Which of the following best explains why these extinction events occurred?
Very explosive volcanic activity can cause landmasses to move.
These catastrophic events caused rapid climate changes
Rapid climatic changes
All of the answer choices
All of the answer choices
All of the answer choices
Different kinds of natural factors caused major changes in the environment.
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