Review Game Zone
Match it!
Match it! Select the correct answer from the pull down...Good luck!
Who were the Ouendat?
Cod Fishing
Europeans came to fish Cod of the East Coast
Middlemen- They would buy furs from the First Nations and sell to the Europeans
The HBC and NWC merged
Exclusive rights to an area for trading
Europeans left North America at the end of the Fur Trade
They were the descendants of European settlers and First Nations peoples
Which of the following did not happen in Phase 5 of the Fur Trade
Cod Fishing
Europeans came to fish Cod of the East Coast
Middlemen- They would buy furs from the First Nations and sell to the Europeans
The HBC and NWC merged
Exclusive rights to an area for trading
Europeans left North America at the end of the Fur Trade
They were the descendants of European settlers and First Nations peoples
Which of the following happened during Phase 1 of the fur trade?
Cod Fishing
Europeans came to fish Cod of the East Coast
Middlemen- They would buy furs from the First Nations and sell to the Europeans
The HBC and NWC merged
Exclusive rights to an area for trading
Europeans left North America at the end of the Fur Trade
They were the descendants of European settlers and First Nations peoples
How did the Metis people originate?
Cod Fishing
Europeans came to fish Cod of the East Coast
Middlemen- They would buy furs from the First Nations and sell to the Europeans
The HBC and NWC merged
Exclusive rights to an area for trading
Europeans left North America at the end of the Fur Trade
They were the descendants of European settlers and First Nations peoples
Which of the Following did NOT happen during Phase 2 of the Fur Trade?
Cod Fishing
Europeans came to fish Cod of the East Coast
Middlemen- They would buy furs from the First Nations and sell to the Europeans
The HBC and NWC merged
Exclusive rights to an area for trading
Europeans left North America at the end of the Fur Trade
They were the descendants of European settlers and First Nations peoples
Which of the following started the fur trade
Cod Fishing
Europeans came to fish Cod of the East Coast
Middlemen- They would buy furs from the First Nations and sell to the Europeans
The HBC and NWC merged
Exclusive rights to an area for trading
Europeans left North America at the end of the Fur Trade
They were the descendants of European settlers and First Nations peoples
The Hudson's Bay company was granted a Monopoly? What is a Monopoly?
Cod Fishing
Europeans came to fish Cod of the East Coast
Middlemen- They would buy furs from the First Nations and sell to the Europeans
The HBC and NWC merged
Exclusive rights to an area for trading
Europeans left North America at the end of the Fur Trade
They were the descendants of European settlers and First Nations peoples
Which two companies were rivals in Phase 3 of the Fur Trade?
Cod Fishing
Europeans came to fish Cod of the East Coast
Middlemen- They would buy furs from the First Nations and sell to the Europeans
The HBC and NWC merged
Exclusive rights to an area for trading
Europeans left North America at the end of the Fur Trade
They were the descendants of European settlers and First Nations peoples
Check it!