Review Game Zone
Match it!
Match it! Select the correct answer from the pull down...Good luck!
Did you hear that Julie likes Ramone?
This is true
This is NOT accurate
This is something posted just for fun - it is a tongue twister
This is accurate
This is an opinion
All of these answers are correct
This is a rumor
This is a fact
Did you know: A sneeze travels out your mouth at about 100 m.p.h.
This is true
This is NOT accurate
This is something posted just for fun - it is a tongue twister
This is accurate
This is an opinion
All of these answers are correct
This is a rumor
This is a fact
Take a trip to Cape Cod. Cape Cod is in the state of Massachusetts
This is true
This is NOT accurate
This is something posted just for fun - it is a tongue twister
This is accurate
This is an opinion
All of these answers are correct
This is a rumor
This is a fact
Chris Evans Tweeted: Captain America is the strongest Avenger.
This is true
This is NOT accurate
This is something posted just for fun - it is a tongue twister
This is accurate
This is an opinion
All of these answers are correct
This is a rumor
This is a fact
Breaking News: Everything on the World Wide Web is true!
This is true
This is NOT accurate
This is something posted just for fun - it is a tongue twister
This is accurate
This is an opinion
All of these answers are correct
This is a rumor
This is a fact
This just in! 2 + 2 = 11
This is true
This is NOT accurate
This is something posted just for fun - it is a tongue twister
This is accurate
This is an opinion
All of these answers are correct
This is a rumor
This is a fact
Say this 10 times fast: She sells sea shells by the seashore
This is true
This is NOT accurate
This is something posted just for fun - it is a tongue twister
This is accurate
This is an opinion
All of these answers are correct
This is a rumor
This is a fact
Even the news can have bias
This is true
This is NOT accurate
This is something posted just for fun - it is a tongue twister
This is accurate
This is an opinion
All of these answers are correct
This is a rumor
This is a fact
Check it!