Review Game Zone
Match it!
Match it! Select the correct answer from the pull down...Good luck!
What is amplitude?
measure of a wave from the still position to the height of the crest
More mass has more kinetic energy
At the top of the largest hill
Pulled back more → more potential energy in slingshot → more kinetic energy for the rock.
The full truck because it has more kinetic energy.
Both an MP3 player and a text message
What does a prism use to split light
measure of a wave from the still position to the height of the crest
More mass has more kinetic energy
At the top of the largest hill
Pulled back more → more potential energy in slingshot → more kinetic energy for the rock.
The full truck because it has more kinetic energy.
Both an MP3 player and a text message
While trapped in a cave you start yelling for help and hear an echo. Which of the following models represents why you are hearing an echo?
measure of a wave from the still position to the height of the crest
More mass has more kinetic energy
At the top of the largest hill
Pulled back more → more potential energy in slingshot → more kinetic energy for the rock.
The full truck because it has more kinetic energy.
Both an MP3 player and a text message
Where on a roller coaster has the most gravitational potential energy?
measure of a wave from the still position to the height of the crest
More mass has more kinetic energy
At the top of the largest hill
Pulled back more → more potential energy in slingshot → more kinetic energy for the rock.
The full truck because it has more kinetic energy.
Both an MP3 player and a text message
What is the relationship between the amount of mass and the amount of kinetic energy of an object moving at a constant speed.
measure of a wave from the still position to the height of the crest
More mass has more kinetic energy
At the top of the largest hill
Pulled back more → more potential energy in slingshot → more kinetic energy for the rock.
The full truck because it has more kinetic energy.
Both an MP3 player and a text message
Which of the following is an example of a digital signal?
measure of a wave from the still position to the height of the crest
More mass has more kinetic energy
At the top of the largest hill
Pulled back more → more potential energy in slingshot → more kinetic energy for the rock.
The full truck because it has more kinetic energy.
Both an MP3 player and a text message
How does the distance in the system affect the amount of energy given to the rock in the sling shot?
measure of a wave from the still position to the height of the crest
More mass has more kinetic energy
At the top of the largest hill
Pulled back more → more potential energy in slingshot → more kinetic energy for the rock.
The full truck because it has more kinetic energy.
Both an MP3 player and a text message
Two trucks coast down a hill toward a brick wall. One is empty and one is full of stone. Which would you expect to cause the most damage to the brick wall and why?
measure of a wave from the still position to the height of the crest
More mass has more kinetic energy
At the top of the largest hill
Pulled back more → more potential energy in slingshot → more kinetic energy for the rock.
The full truck because it has more kinetic energy.
Both an MP3 player and a text message
Check it!