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Why was NATO formed?
Preventing the expansion of communism
The communists.
Germany divided into 4 zones. France, Britain, Soviet Union, and the U.S would control one of those zones. Berlin divided
U.S and U.S.S.R
Eleanor Roosevelt
So that if any member of NATO was attacked, they would all come to the country's defense.
Cold War
The soviet union and the other Eastern European countries would join their militaries together.
What is containment?
Preventing the expansion of communism
The communists.
Germany divided into 4 zones. France, Britain, Soviet Union, and the U.S would control one of those zones. Berlin divided
U.S and U.S.S.R
Eleanor Roosevelt
So that if any member of NATO was attacked, they would all come to the country's defense.
Cold War
The soviet union and the other Eastern European countries would join their militaries together.
What was the Warsaw Pact?
Preventing the expansion of communism
The communists.
Germany divided into 4 zones. France, Britain, Soviet Union, and the U.S would control one of those zones. Berlin divided
U.S and U.S.S.R
Eleanor Roosevelt
So that if any member of NATO was attacked, they would all come to the country's defense.
Cold War
The soviet union and the other Eastern European countries would join their militaries together.
Who was the first U.S. delegate to the United Nations?
Preventing the expansion of communism
The communists.
Germany divided into 4 zones. France, Britain, Soviet Union, and the U.S would control one of those zones. Berlin divided
U.S and U.S.S.R
Eleanor Roosevelt
So that if any member of NATO was attacked, they would all come to the country's defense.
Cold War
The soviet union and the other Eastern European countries would join their militaries together.
What two countries split Korea after WWII?
Preventing the expansion of communism
The communists.
Germany divided into 4 zones. France, Britain, Soviet Union, and the U.S would control one of those zones. Berlin divided
U.S and U.S.S.R
Eleanor Roosevelt
So that if any member of NATO was attacked, they would all come to the country's defense.
Cold War
The soviet union and the other Eastern European countries would join their militaries together.
What was decided at the Potsdam Conference? (2 things)
Preventing the expansion of communism
The communists.
Germany divided into 4 zones. France, Britain, Soviet Union, and the U.S would control one of those zones. Berlin divided
U.S and U.S.S.R
Eleanor Roosevelt
So that if any member of NATO was attacked, they would all come to the country's defense.
Cold War
The soviet union and the other Eastern European countries would join their militaries together.
What term describes the struggle for global power between the U.S. and the Soviet Union?
Preventing the expansion of communism
The communists.
Germany divided into 4 zones. France, Britain, Soviet Union, and the U.S would control one of those zones. Berlin divided
U.S and U.S.S.R
Eleanor Roosevelt
So that if any member of NATO was attacked, they would all come to the country's defense.
Cold War
The soviet union and the other Eastern European countries would join their militaries together.
Who wins the Civil War in China?
Preventing the expansion of communism
The communists.
Germany divided into 4 zones. France, Britain, Soviet Union, and the U.S would control one of those zones. Berlin divided
U.S and U.S.S.R
Eleanor Roosevelt
So that if any member of NATO was attacked, they would all come to the country's defense.
Cold War
The soviet union and the other Eastern European countries would join their militaries together.
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