Review Game Zone
Match it!
Match it! Select the correct answer from the pull down...Good luck!
what part of the plant makes food?
the flower
the roots
carbon dioxide, water and sunlight are turned into sugar and oxygen
the leaves
electrical energy
The light refracts in the water and bends
Chemical Energy
Why does a pencil appear (look) to be bent in a glass of water?
the flower
the roots
carbon dioxide, water and sunlight are turned into sugar and oxygen
the leaves
electrical energy
The light refracts in the water and bends
Chemical Energy
what happens during photosynthesis?
the flower
the roots
carbon dioxide, water and sunlight are turned into sugar and oxygen
the leaves
electrical energy
The light refracts in the water and bends
Chemical Energy
What type of energy comes from a wall outlet
the flower
the roots
carbon dioxide, water and sunlight are turned into sugar and oxygen
the leaves
electrical energy
The light refracts in the water and bends
Chemical Energy
What color absorbs the most light?
the flower
the roots
carbon dioxide, water and sunlight are turned into sugar and oxygen
the leaves
electrical energy
The light refracts in the water and bends
Chemical Energy
what part of the plant makes seeds?
the flower
the roots
carbon dioxide, water and sunlight are turned into sugar and oxygen
the leaves
electrical energy
The light refracts in the water and bends
Chemical Energy
What type of energy is sugar (food)
the flower
the roots
carbon dioxide, water and sunlight are turned into sugar and oxygen
the leaves
electrical energy
The light refracts in the water and bends
Chemical Energy
what part of the plant absorbs water and nutrients from the soil
the flower
the roots
carbon dioxide, water and sunlight are turned into sugar and oxygen
the leaves
electrical energy
The light refracts in the water and bends
Chemical Energy
Check it!