Review Game Zone
Match it!
Match it! Select the correct answer from the pull down...Good luck!
Medical care for the elderly
War on Poverty
Interstate Highway System
Americans with Disabilities Act
No Child Left Behind Act
Social Security System
Watergate Scandal
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956
This act created the Interstate Highway System using gasoline tax money
War on Poverty
Interstate Highway System
Americans with Disabilities Act
No Child Left Behind Act
Social Security System
Watergate Scandal
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956
A social insurance program that provides financial benefits to the elderly and disabled and to their eligible dependents and/or survivors
War on Poverty
Interstate Highway System
Americans with Disabilities Act
No Child Left Behind Act
Social Security System
Watergate Scandal
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956
This act was aimed at improving student performance in schools and send money to low-income schools
War on Poverty
Interstate Highway System
Americans with Disabilities Act
No Child Left Behind Act
Social Security System
Watergate Scandal
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956
President Lyndon Johnson's program that was specifically aimed at assisting the poor. Among these programs were Medicare, Head Start, volunteering in Service to America (VISTA), Medicaid, and the creation of the Office of Economic Opportunity.
War on Poverty
Interstate Highway System
Americans with Disabilities Act
No Child Left Behind Act
Social Security System
Watergate Scandal
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956
A network of high-speed roads built to make interstate travel faster and easier
War on Poverty
Interstate Highway System
Americans with Disabilities Act
No Child Left Behind Act
Social Security System
Watergate Scandal
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956
A law which prohibits discrimination based on disability
War on Poverty
Interstate Highway System
Americans with Disabilities Act
No Child Left Behind Act
Social Security System
Watergate Scandal
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956
Scandal where Nixon's re-election campaign broke into the Democratic National Committee headquarters; eventually led to Richard Nixon resigning from office
War on Poverty
Interstate Highway System
Americans with Disabilities Act
No Child Left Behind Act
Social Security System
Watergate Scandal
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956
Check it!