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Where can you find a book about Cars?
Non-Fiction 900's
Non-fiction 800's
Non-fiction 600's
Reference Section
Non-fiction 700's
Fiction section under COL for the authors last name Collins
Fiction section under TOL for author Tolkin
Biography section
Where can you find a book about World War 1?
Non-Fiction 900's
Non-fiction 800's
Non-fiction 600's
Reference Section
Non-fiction 700's
Fiction section under COL for the authors last name Collins
Fiction section under TOL for author Tolkin
Biography section
Where can you find a book about Origami?
Non-Fiction 900's
Non-fiction 800's
Non-fiction 600's
Reference Section
Non-fiction 700's
Fiction section under COL for the authors last name Collins
Fiction section under TOL for author Tolkin
Biography section
Where can you find a book of Poetry?
Non-Fiction 900's
Non-fiction 800's
Non-fiction 600's
Reference Section
Non-fiction 700's
Fiction section under COL for the authors last name Collins
Fiction section under TOL for author Tolkin
Biography section
Where can you find a book about Martin Luther King Jr.
Non-Fiction 900's
Non-fiction 800's
Non-fiction 600's
Reference Section
Non-fiction 700's
Fiction section under COL for the authors last name Collins
Fiction section under TOL for author Tolkin
Biography section
Where can you find The Hunger Games?
Non-Fiction 900's
Non-fiction 800's
Non-fiction 600's
Reference Section
Non-fiction 700's
Fiction section under COL for the authors last name Collins
Fiction section under TOL for author Tolkin
Biography section
Where can you find an encyclopedia?
Non-Fiction 900's
Non-fiction 800's
Non-fiction 600's
Reference Section
Non-fiction 700's
Fiction section under COL for the authors last name Collins
Fiction section under TOL for author Tolkin
Biography section
Where can you find The Hobbit?
Non-Fiction 900's
Non-fiction 800's
Non-fiction 600's
Reference Section
Non-fiction 700's
Fiction section under COL for the authors last name Collins
Fiction section under TOL for author Tolkin
Biography section
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