All About Capitalism Question Preview (ID: 57498)

Students Will Understand NC State Standard: WH.H.7.5 Analyze The Emergence Of Capitalism As A Dominant Economic Pattern And The Responses To It From Various Nations And Groups (e.g., Utopianism, Social Democracy, Socialism, Communism, Etc.). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What ideas does Capitalism emphasize?
a) Profit and Private Ownership
b) Profit and workers
c) Industry workers
d) Factors of Production

Who is considered the father of modern economics
a) Karl Marx
b) Adam Smith
c) Friedrich Engels
d) Eugene V. Debbs

According to major critics of capitalism, who does capitalism NOT benefit?
a) Sellers
b) Shop owners
c) Buyers
d) Workers

Which of the following is not an alternative to capitalism?
a) Utopianism
b) Communism
c) Invisible Hand
d) Socialism

What is the invisible hand?
a) Competition drives a market economy. This is supported by buyers and sellers.
b) Buyers and sellers
c) Industry workers support the economy
d) None of the above

What ideals were utopian societies built upon?
a) Working with your neighbor
b) Cooperation
c) Sharing
d) All of the choices

With socialism, who owns most of the factors of production?
a) Workers
b) Factory owners
c) CEO of the company
d) Nobody

In a communist society, what is the end goal?
a) Economic Equality
b) Dismantlement of politics
c) Revolution
d) Economic equality and dismantlement of politics

What role should the government play in a social democracy?
a) The government should be in charge of everything.
b) The government should be in charge of nothing.
c) The government should play a minor role with, ensuring that people have certain universal benefits.
d) The government should be providing the people with resources to create other estabilishments

Which president promised to provide help to nations in Europe facing the perceived threat of communism?
a) Harry S. Truman
b) Dwight D. Eisenhower
c) Franklin D. Roosevelt
d) Herbert Hoover

What did the Marshall Plan create?
a) A plan for sending economic aid to Europe
b) A support system for bringing food to the Middle East
c) A way to dodge U-boats in Germany
d) A line of succession for the president

What did the Eisenhower Doctrine promise?
a) To seek out threats of social democracy in nations
b) The commitment of US forces to eradicate communism
c) The protect territories in US holding from being invaded
d) To close the economy down when faced with the threats of socialism.

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