Chapter 14 Application Question Preview (ID: 40321)

Application. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The type of medium that an advertiser uses depends on
a) whether the offering is a product or a service
b) the market it wants to reach
c) technology resources
d) how well consumers will remember the ad.

In 2008, what was the main advertising medium?
a) television
b) billboard
c) internet
d) newspaper

Currently, what is the main advertising medium?
a) television
b) billboard
c) internet
d) newspaper

How long does an infomercial usually last
a) 30 seconds
b) 60 seconds
c) 30 minutes
d) 90 seconds

Businesses advertise for all of the following reasons except
a) to increase sales
b) to inform about a political candidate
c) to promote an event
d) to spendy money

Direct mail is often referred to as
a) junk mail
b) leaflets
c) mail advertising
d) US Mail

Transit advertising is usually used in
a) rural areas
b) urban areas
c) wealthy neighborhoods
d) all of the above

The number of homes or people exposed to an ad is referred to as
a) an impression
b) an audience
c) a market
d) customers per thousand

All of the following are factors of media costs except
a) the geographic scope of the distribution of the ad.
b) the audience that the media will reach.
c) the business that is paying for the ad.
d) the type of media used to distribute the ad.

Internet ad rates are based on
a) the format of the ad
b) the size of the ad
c) the type of ad
d) all of the above.

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