Respiration And Excretion Review Question Preview (ID: 29679)
Respiration And Excretion Review.
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Your body uses glucose and oxygen to produce energy during the process of
a) circulation
b) digestion
c) excretion
d) respiration
A passageway for both air and food is the
a) trachea
b) pharynx
c) larynx
d) bronchus
The major organs of the excretory system are the
a) ureters
b) lungs
c) kidneys
d) alveoli
A colorless, odorless gas that is produced when tobacco is burned is
a) smoke
b) oxygen
c) nicotine
d) carbon monoxide
The waste chemical that comes from the breakdown of proteins in the body is called
a) urethra
b) urea
c) tar
d) glucose
Which of the following does the respiratory system move into the body?
a) oxygen
b) glucose
c) urea
d) urine
Tiny hairlike structures that sweep mucus from the nose into the throat are called
a) alveoli
b) bronchi
c) cilia
d) nephrons
Urine flows out of the kidneys through narrow tubes called
a) urethras
b) ureters
c) nephrons
d) alveoli
The disease in which lung tissue is permanently destroyed is called
a) atherosclerosis
b) diabetes
c) bronchitis
d) emphysema
Gas exchange occurs in the
a) alveoli
b) diaphragm
c) larynx
d) nephrons
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