Civil Disobedience Review Question Preview (ID: 25199)

Civil Disobedience Review For Global Studies. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Refusing to buy a good or service to protest
a) Boycott
b) March
c) Illegal

Non-violent leader in India's independence movement
a) Nelson Mandela
b) Martin Luther King Jr.
c) Gandhi

Breaking the law in a peaceful way
a) Civil Unrest
b) Riots
c) Civil Disobedience

A leader of the Civil Rights movement in the U.S.
a) Martin Luther King Jr.
b) Gandhi
c) Nelson Mandela

Why did Gandhi tell his followers not to react to violence with more violence?
a) To prove that the British were wrong, and so people would side with the Indian people
b) To prove that the protestors were weak
c) To prove the British were right

Which of the following is NOT a form of civil disobedience?
a) Montgomery Bus Boycott
b) Salt March
c) Burning a government building in protest

Gandhi chose to fast in protest to violence. What does the word FAST mean?
a) To march
b) To stop eating
c) To gather a crowd to hear him speak

Martin Luther King was influenced by the non-violent teachings of
a) Nelson Mandela
b) Mr. Nehru
c) Gandhi

When Gandhi lived in South Africa, what was he protesting?
a) The mines
b) The mistreatment of Indian people in South Africa
c) There were few Indian lawyers

Why did Gandhi live and dress simply?
a) to identify with the poor and untouchables in India
b) to impress his followers
c) He had always dressed this way

What was HOMESPUN?
a) Cloth made by the British
b) Cloth imported from South Africa
c) Cloth made by the Indian people

Why did Gandhi encourage people to wear and make homespun?
a) Making cloth was a good skill to have
b) To boycott British goods
c) To sell to the British

Why were the farmers of India suffering?
a) The British charged them high amounts of rent for the land
b) The British made them grow non-food items even though the Indian people were starving
c) All of the above

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