Stages Of Development Question Preview (ID: 21416)

Piaget's Stages Of Development. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Period of rapid cognitive growth
a) sensorimotor
b) pre-operational
c) concrete operational
d) formal operational

Learn mostly through trial and error
a) sensorimotor
b) pre-operational
c) concrete operational
d) formal operational

Rely on reflexes at first
a) sensorimotor
b) pre-operational
c) concrete operational
d) formal operational

Extreme egocentrism-no understanding of the world other than their own
a) sensorimotor
b) pre-operational
c) concrete operational
d) formal operational

Object permanence-knowing that an object exists even if it is hidden
a) sensorimotor
b) pre-operational
c) concrete operational
d) formal operational

Engages in symbolic play
a) sensorimotor
b) pre-operational
c) concrete operational
d) formal operational

They believe that inanimate objects like toys and teddy bears have human feelings
a) sensorimotor
b) pre-operational
c) concrete operational
d) formal operational

They are still egocentric-about themselves
a) sensorimotor
b) pre-operational
c) concrete operational
d) formal operational

Ages 2 - 7
a) sensorimotor
b) pre-operational
c) concrete operational
d) formal operational

Birth - 2 years
a) sensorimotor
b) pre-operational
c) concrete operational
d) formal operational

Become less egocentric
a) sensorimotor
b) pre-operational
c) concrete operational
d) formal operational

Thinking is more organized and rational
a) sensorimotor
b) pre-operational
c) concrete operational
d) formal operational

Ages 7-11
a) sensorimotor
b) pre-operational
c) concrete operational
d) formal operational

Ages 11 up
a) sensorimotor
b) pre-operational
c) concrete operational
d) formal operational

Gain the ability to think in an abstract manner
a) sensorimotor
b) pre-operational
c) concrete operational
d) formal operational

Think creatively
a) sensorimotor
b) pre-operational
c) concrete operational
d) formal operational

Use abstract reasoning
a) sensorimotor
b) pre-operational
c) concrete operational
d) formal operational

Manipulate ideas in their heads
a) sensorimotor
b) pre-operational
c) concrete operational
d) formal operational

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