There are about twelve hours of daytime and twelve hours of night during the:

Mercury has a longer period of rotation than Earth because:

The sun is always leaning toward the ___________________ in the Norther hemisphere.

The sun is sometimes directly overhead _________________________.

You would weight less on Mars than on Earth because __________________________.

The summer solstice is:

A planet's revolution is _________________________________________.

Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation states that gravity depends on:

Days are shorter in the winter because:

______________________ makes planets round.

One spin of a planet around its axis:

A meteoroid is NOT round because ______________________.

Mercury's period of revolution is shorter than Earth's because it is:

When is the sun is directly overhead in Lebanon, MO?

Proportionately, if Earth were the size of a basketball, what size would the moon be?

You will weigh more on a planet with _____________________ mass than Earth.

A planet's period of revolution is:

Why didn't the astronauts on the moon fall back to Earth?

Why does the sun rise in the East and set in the West?

Black holes have an enormous amount of _______________________.

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